to all the artists, crafters, cooks, volunteers, donators and businesses that helped us put this all together and have such a huge collected showing I am now and always and forever indebted and thankful to and for you. I can’t believe the charity, love, compassion, trust, excitement, drive and a singular willingness to work together that you all displayed. My heart swells with appreciation and pride, I hope you share this feeling with me.
To the 4th st arts crew a round of high 5’s and thank you’s. you guys blew me away. It was an epic and monumental day for my entire family and group of friends and artists. Thank you for giving us a great platform to expose some artist, get our message out and raise a boat load of money. Our charities will know of your direct involvement with these funds being raised, you too should feel the pride that comes with a job more then well done.
My family, friends and volunteers who showed up at 7-8am to help me put together our outdoor tented gallery I owe you several beers and a nice home cooked meal, thank you for your hard work your sweat and your time! I love you all and thanks for stepping up and doing a bang up job. (though next year I will need to schedule a sober 10pm breakdown crew or make provisions for an easier disassembly!)
i am going to upload pictures of the couple pieces that arrived the day of to the virtual flickr gallery. the pieces that did not sell and we were ok'd to "SET SELL" we will be posting here with a price that will include shipping. I will also be recompiling a list of contributors with links to their personal websites, and posting it here in the upcoming days. I’d love it if you would consider supporting these artist and contributors in the future, they all gave us so much to work with and view during the auction. I am still in awe of how many people came to me over the past year with their eagerness and willingness to contribute. HUGE THANKS brothers and sister it was a true testament to D.I.Y. ethics and a lesson on how to work outside “the box”.
I can not thank you all enough.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
today we raised over
$3,387 to benefit our three charities, so much thanking to do...but i must sleep now.
with love
Thursday, October 1, 2009
shout out to jackie farry
jackie was awesome enough to donate a bunch of FUCK CANCER hats, if you would like one CLICK on the image and it'll bring you to her site! thank you jackie
if it doesn't work click right here FUCK CANCER HAT
By Vanessa Velez
Behind each person is a gathering of people, who lay the groundwork, through aid and encouragement, for the foundations of a life. They manage to, brick by brick and block by block, build a city based upon the steady frames of friendship. At the 6th Annual 4th Street Arts and Music Festival, you will see this city thriving.
"Mission: Remission" is about people who are held together by the same ideals and beliefs; uniting together under the canopy of a shared vision, who are willing to contribute their best talents to a single cause. As Jeanne Caldwell, the inspiration behind this foundation, said, “Its about having empathy for people in the same situation, and sometimes the best possible way to countermeasure the fear is by individuals gathering together to create a positive environment for a negative situation.” "It's always been about friends helping friends" says, her son, Jesse Caldwell, "helping friends, where ever and when ever."
Only a few years ago, Jeanne was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. When asked about the subject, all Jesse could state was “I’m frightened.” However, according to Jeanne, when it comes to her condition, there is nothing to fear. "You must face the things you fear the most and overcome them," she states in her blog, "Everyone's life is scary sometimes. But try when you can to just look at what you fear. Look at it right in the eye and spit."
A career nurse familiar with the toll a threatening disease can take on a family, she has been an active participant in Race for the Cure, a member of Gilda's Club, and a guest panelist on local New Jersey talk shows alongside interim Governor Cody. When asked about how she wants her children to feel about her condition, Jeanne states "I want my children to feel strong and secure. They need to acknowledge the fear and insecurity that this disease brings out in everyone, but like me, I want them to be strong and not let their emotions take over. I want my children to feel empathy for anyone who is going through what we are going through and have the strength to help others in the same situation if and when they can."
As we all know, the Caldwells are not alone in their struggle. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2008 alone, 745,180 men and 692,000 women were diagnosed with some form of cancer within the United States. Behind each one of those individuals is a family—a Jeanne Caldwell persevering through the challenge, despite the condemning statistics, and a Jesse trying to help and ease the situation in anyway possible.
“Mission: Remission” began as nothing but an idea proposed by Jesse in the Fall of 2008, after attending the 4th Street Arts and Music Festival in downtown Jersey City. There he found a community of artists, musicians, and local businesses who united for one weekend in October to celebrate the people who have transformed the area into a hub of sub-cultural diversity. "To me, personally, it was amazing," he states. “I spent my day surrounded by local artists, vendors, musicians, skaters, and friends. It was a beautiful and inspiring day for me."
Now, in 2009, “Mission: Remission” has come into full-form, created to celebrate and support the people who have transformed our own lives who have fallen victim to a cancer, a disease that every health official says is incurable. But daunting statements such as these have not stopped the people behind “Mission: Remission” from searching for their own solutions to the problem. Jesse and his wife, Stephanie Caldwell, have developed their own antidote when an actual cure for cancer seems hidden far off in the glare of the future's horizon.
Through outstanding efforts on the part of the Caldwells, as well as the community of downtown Jersey City, the once seed of an idea has grown into a collective enterprise. During this summer alone, over 50 local artists have contributed their work to the silent auction hosted by “Mission: Remission” for the 4th Street Arts and Music Festival. A Mac and Cheese Bake-Off hosted by 58 Gallery and organized by Marc Caterina and the Caldwells for “Mission: Remission”, as well as the festival itself, also brought in almost $2000 in donations.All proceeds from the fundraiser during the festival will be donated to supporting Gilda's Club (, a foundation which focuses on helping people with cancer, as well as their family and friends, learn how to live with the disease, the Maureen Fund (, a fund which focuses on the prevention and early detection of ovarian cancer hosted by Hackensack University Medical Center, and the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (, which is the largest privately funded agency dedicated to the research of ovarian cancer.
This year’s 4th Street Arts and Music Festival is just a cornerstone for “Mission: Remission”. In the years to come, you will be sure to hear more about the new ways the people involved have come up with to bring awareness of the disease to the general public. The foundation welcomes everyone, from friends to families, to join in a day of celebration for the brave souls who live day to day with this condition. A solution for cancer doesn't necessarily have to come in the form of a pill or an injection, nor in the shape of the blade of a knife gleaming under a blinding operating room lamp. We can create our own cure through our own personal ingenuity and efforts by bringing happiness to all the people affected by the disease and uniting in solidarity with their families to remind them that we, as people of this city, are here to help them in pursuit of a cure.
Behind each person is a gathering of people, who lay the groundwork, through aid and encouragement, for the foundations of a life. They manage to, brick by brick and block by block, build a city based upon the steady frames of friendship. At the 6th Annual 4th Street Arts and Music Festival, you will see this city thriving.
"Mission: Remission" is about people who are held together by the same ideals and beliefs; uniting together under the canopy of a shared vision, who are willing to contribute their best talents to a single cause. As Jeanne Caldwell, the inspiration behind this foundation, said, “Its about having empathy for people in the same situation, and sometimes the best possible way to countermeasure the fear is by individuals gathering together to create a positive environment for a negative situation.” "It's always been about friends helping friends" says, her son, Jesse Caldwell, "helping friends, where ever and when ever."
Only a few years ago, Jeanne was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. When asked about the subject, all Jesse could state was “I’m frightened.” However, according to Jeanne, when it comes to her condition, there is nothing to fear. "You must face the things you fear the most and overcome them," she states in her blog, "Everyone's life is scary sometimes. But try when you can to just look at what you fear. Look at it right in the eye and spit."
A career nurse familiar with the toll a threatening disease can take on a family, she has been an active participant in Race for the Cure, a member of Gilda's Club, and a guest panelist on local New Jersey talk shows alongside interim Governor Cody. When asked about how she wants her children to feel about her condition, Jeanne states "I want my children to feel strong and secure. They need to acknowledge the fear and insecurity that this disease brings out in everyone, but like me, I want them to be strong and not let their emotions take over. I want my children to feel empathy for anyone who is going through what we are going through and have the strength to help others in the same situation if and when they can."
As we all know, the Caldwells are not alone in their struggle. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2008 alone, 745,180 men and 692,000 women were diagnosed with some form of cancer within the United States. Behind each one of those individuals is a family—a Jeanne Caldwell persevering through the challenge, despite the condemning statistics, and a Jesse trying to help and ease the situation in anyway possible.
“Mission: Remission” began as nothing but an idea proposed by Jesse in the Fall of 2008, after attending the 4th Street Arts and Music Festival in downtown Jersey City. There he found a community of artists, musicians, and local businesses who united for one weekend in October to celebrate the people who have transformed the area into a hub of sub-cultural diversity. "To me, personally, it was amazing," he states. “I spent my day surrounded by local artists, vendors, musicians, skaters, and friends. It was a beautiful and inspiring day for me."
Now, in 2009, “Mission: Remission” has come into full-form, created to celebrate and support the people who have transformed our own lives who have fallen victim to a cancer, a disease that every health official says is incurable. But daunting statements such as these have not stopped the people behind “Mission: Remission” from searching for their own solutions to the problem. Jesse and his wife, Stephanie Caldwell, have developed their own antidote when an actual cure for cancer seems hidden far off in the glare of the future's horizon.
Through outstanding efforts on the part of the Caldwells, as well as the community of downtown Jersey City, the once seed of an idea has grown into a collective enterprise. During this summer alone, over 50 local artists have contributed their work to the silent auction hosted by “Mission: Remission” for the 4th Street Arts and Music Festival. A Mac and Cheese Bake-Off hosted by 58 Gallery and organized by Marc Caterina and the Caldwells for “Mission: Remission”, as well as the festival itself, also brought in almost $2000 in donations.All proceeds from the fundraiser during the festival will be donated to supporting Gilda's Club (, a foundation which focuses on helping people with cancer, as well as their family and friends, learn how to live with the disease, the Maureen Fund (, a fund which focuses on the prevention and early detection of ovarian cancer hosted by Hackensack University Medical Center, and the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation (, which is the largest privately funded agency dedicated to the research of ovarian cancer.
This year’s 4th Street Arts and Music Festival is just a cornerstone for “Mission: Remission”. In the years to come, you will be sure to hear more about the new ways the people involved have come up with to bring awareness of the disease to the general public. The foundation welcomes everyone, from friends to families, to join in a day of celebration for the brave souls who live day to day with this condition. A solution for cancer doesn't necessarily have to come in the form of a pill or an injection, nor in the shape of the blade of a knife gleaming under a blinding operating room lamp. We can create our own cure through our own personal ingenuity and efforts by bringing happiness to all the people affected by the disease and uniting in solidarity with their families to remind them that we, as people of this city, are here to help them in pursuit of a cure.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
a few notes on the day of...
i hope you all have checked out the virtual gallery. i will be uploading some last minute submissions today and tomorrow, but will also be recieving several pieces the day of. so not everything we will have up for auction will be displayed there.
the items will be available to bid on in a binder that will be located on 4th street at the MISSION REMISSION sidewalk gallery from the hours of 10am-9pm we will close the book and tally the donations and pledged amounts and announce the total from the village stage, we will have literature from our recipients, $5 dollar bi-hourly raffles , a 50-50 , MISSION REMISSION merchandise and several donation buckets.
all funds raised will be going to the GILDA'S CLUB, the maureen fund and the ovarian cancer research foundation.
there will be a photo series by my wife steph caldwell titled PORTRAIT OF A LADY and the sales of these photos will be going to the susan g. komen foundation, since it is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.
i want to thank 4th street arts, all of the contributors and volunteers for their hard work and beautiful art and all the local businesses for displaying our flyers and posters and allowing me to promote this.
hope to see you all there
in pursuit of the cure
jesse a caldwell
the items will be available to bid on in a binder that will be located on 4th street at the MISSION REMISSION sidewalk gallery from the hours of 10am-9pm we will close the book and tally the donations and pledged amounts and announce the total from the village stage, we will have literature from our recipients, $5 dollar bi-hourly raffles , a 50-50 , MISSION REMISSION merchandise and several donation buckets.
all funds raised will be going to the GILDA'S CLUB, the maureen fund and the ovarian cancer research foundation.
there will be a photo series by my wife steph caldwell titled PORTRAIT OF A LADY and the sales of these photos will be going to the susan g. komen foundation, since it is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.
i want to thank 4th street arts, all of the contributors and volunteers for their hard work and beautiful art and all the local businesses for displaying our flyers and posters and allowing me to promote this.
hope to see you all there
in pursuit of the cure
jesse a caldwell
Saturday, September 26, 2009
a week away...
all merchandise, our banner and 3/4's of the submission are in. the virtual gallery is up and running and updated pretty much daily as i get the pieces in my hands. today we got the posterboards with the resume and sample menu's for Joe Malone's submission, a personal dining experience for 6-10 date and location to be determined. i will warn you that mouths are already watering and budgets are being crunched, so if you have interest in these tasty bits you should come prepared to bid hard on this. check out the photo set on the flickr gallery here
if you plan on submitting something remember you only have 4 days to get it in my hands.
hope to see you all next saturday...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
you can check out the catalogue of submitted works...
right here, it is just the 1st couple of submissions we received, hopefully it will wet your palate.
i hope to get all pieces photographed and catalogued with the auction sheets done by october 1st,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
here's what the poster looks like...

you can find a larger version at the link provided
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
through the sales of my grandfathers MACnCHEESE
mission remission raised $272.85 a huge thank you to anyone who showed up and tossed a couple of the hard earned $$$'s in my bucket and took sometime to ask what we are all about. it was an amazing opportunity to meet the community and get our name out there and i had a blast and i hope you all did too! it really warmed me emotionally because the dish i had made was a baked macaroni and cheese in the style my grandfather would have prepared for a typical lambertson sunday dinner, served with stewed tomatoes. so many compliments where thrown my way but i really must compliment all the hungry eaters out there, not only did they bring thier appitite they also brought thier compassion and thier charity.
in pursuit of the cure
in pursuit of the cure
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
article for the mac n cheese (CLICK HERE TO SEE ARTICLE BIGGER) cook off that was in the star ledger 9/12/2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
here's our revised logo

since the 4th st fest is a family event i toned it down. if you'ld like to see it larger, please click on the design. i would really like to thank my neighbor lindsey for putting this together for us, she's rad. this is the general concept for our stickers, pins and tshirts. we are a little over a month away, can't believe how fast it all creeped up. hope to see you all there!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
a couple things going on

1st we are raffling off this awesome beach cruiser. tickets are $10 and are limited to 200. drawing will be on october 3rd at the 4th street fest. the bike was provided by grove st. bicycles and customized by adam paterson at JERSEY CITY TATTOO COMPANY. (roses, webs, spiders script) it is a fund raiser for the fest itself. if you would like a ticket shoot me an email
2nd we have this other great fund raiser which is a local MAC N CHEESE cook off! september 13th in DT/JC come out and chow down!!! all info is on the flyer and any questions email marc (whose contact is on the flyer)
click on the pictures for larger veiws
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
where we are donating all of the funds raised! (ovarian cancer research fund) RESEARCH! (the maureen fund) AWARENESS! (gilda's club) SUPPORT!
general news and reaffirmations!!!
hello all,
i hope you are all having a great summer and look forward to keeping
you fully abreast of what going to be going on with our fund raiser.
so the september 15th art submission is less then two months (and only
2 months and 15 days till the next 4th street art and music fest) away
and i'd really like to here from the artist and contributors, as just
re-confirmations and in case you don't think you will be able to
contribute. remember if you know anyone that would like to submit
anything it would be gladly accepted.
i have been really busy with work and life in general and really would
like to reaffirm my commitment to this. if you would like to
volunteer to help me hang/curate the art and or would like to pitch in
please make yourself available to me october 2nd & 3rd. send me your
phone numbers and address your subject as "volunteer" please.
some important stuff
saturday october 3rd
the Sixth Annual
4th Street Art and Music Festival (between newark/brunswich & merseles
st.'s) downtown jersey city
part of the Jersey City Artists' Studio Tour
OCTOBER 3rd & 4th, 2008
we will be auctioning off a beach cruiser bicycle customized by our
good friends at JERSEY CITY TATTOO COMPANY to raise some funds for the
event itself so once tickets are available i will shoot out and email
i believe they will be $10 a piece.
if you are/were into the idea of the DOWNTOWN MAC N CHEESE COOK OFF
please get in touch also touch it looks like it will be held on sept
13th which is a sundy and this too will be a fund raiser for the 4th
street arts fest if you want more info or would like to volunteer or
just to participate or have a suggestion please reply but also address
your subject as "MAC N CHEESE"
we do have a paypal account so if you know anyone or you would like to
contribute funds it can be sent to my paypal account all funds will be directly deposited viva
paypal to the mission.remission savings account.
i hope to hear from you all soon and too see you all in october.
in pursuit of the cure
-jesse caldwell
i hope you are all having a great summer and look forward to keeping
you fully abreast of what going to be going on with our fund raiser.
so the september 15th art submission is less then two months (and only
2 months and 15 days till the next 4th street art and music fest) away
and i'd really like to here from the artist and contributors, as just
re-confirmations and in case you don't think you will be able to
contribute. remember if you know anyone that would like to submit
anything it would be gladly accepted.
i have been really busy with work and life in general and really would
like to reaffirm my commitment to this. if you would like to
volunteer to help me hang/curate the art and or would like to pitch in
please make yourself available to me october 2nd & 3rd. send me your
phone numbers and address your subject as "volunteer" please.
some important stuff
saturday october 3rd
the Sixth Annual
4th Street Art and Music Festival (between newark/brunswich & merseles
st.'s) downtown jersey city
part of the Jersey City Artists' Studio Tour
OCTOBER 3rd & 4th, 2008
we will be auctioning off a beach cruiser bicycle customized by our
good friends at JERSEY CITY TATTOO COMPANY to raise some funds for the
event itself so once tickets are available i will shoot out and email
i believe they will be $10 a piece.
if you are/were into the idea of the DOWNTOWN MAC N CHEESE COOK OFF
please get in touch also touch it looks like it will be held on sept
13th which is a sundy and this too will be a fund raiser for the 4th
street arts fest if you want more info or would like to volunteer or
just to participate or have a suggestion please reply but also address
your subject as "MAC N CHEESE"
we do have a paypal account so if you know anyone or you would like to
contribute funds it can be sent to my paypal account all funds will be directly deposited viva
paypal to the mission.remission savings account.
i hope to hear from you all soon and too see you all in october.
in pursuit of the cure
-jesse caldwell
Friday, February 13, 2009
my mom sent me this from the maureen fund...
Hello Everyone,I am beginning to schedule The Maureen Fund educational outreach programs for 2009. If you belong to a woman’s organization, PTO, or any other organization please let me know as I will arrange for a speaker to come and talk on ovarian cancer awareness. As you are aware, our goal is to reach out to a broad spectrum of women of varying socio/economic background to educate and inform them of the risk factors, signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.
Thank you, Jackie
Jacqueline Trobiano, RN, MAS
Operations Manager
The John Theurer Cancer Center
Hackensack University Medical Center
Thank you, Jackie
Jacqueline Trobiano, RN, MAS
Operations Manager
The John Theurer Cancer Center
Hackensack University Medical Center
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
some thoughts on where the funds we raise might end up...
i would really like to donate the fund raised to three different aspects of cancer relate health care. i think i 'd like to divide the funds equally between support, awareness and research! my mother has a special place in her heart for the maureen fund which is a group that dedicates it energy of ovarian cancer awareness and education. i personally find the gilda's club to be an important form of support and strength for those living with cancer but also opens its doors to family and friends. we have yet to decide on a research foundation but will be doing some research over the next week or two to determine our best options and where our money will make the most impact!
if you have any ideas, thoughts, concerns and or suggestions, please do get in touch.
if you have any ideas, thoughts, concerns and or suggestions, please do get in touch.
a couple of contributors i would like to introduce...
feel free to check out chogrin and the collective he helped co-found the autumn society based out of philadelphia. he was nice enough to offer us illustration services and donations of art.
and a local jersey artist kristina scheetz who i am really glad to see involved. though we don't know each other i have to admit it really is a bonus for me to get to work with local artist whom i have never met.
i would really to say thank you to all of you who have supported this and egged me along. its been beyond uplifting and inspiring. you all have been the best crutch when i have needed it. a true reminder of humanity when my faith faulters.
in pursuit of the cure
and a local jersey artist kristina scheetz who i am really glad to see involved. though we don't know each other i have to admit it really is a bonus for me to get to work with local artist whom i have never met.
i would really to say thank you to all of you who have supported this and egged me along. its been beyond uplifting and inspiring. you all have been the best crutch when i have needed it. a true reminder of humanity when my faith faulters.
in pursuit of the cure
Thursday, January 22, 2009
One of the contributing artist passed this along to be and i thought i would share it here
Depasquale the Spa at Morris Plains is having a charity event for a girl named Tatyana, on Sunday, February 22nd, who has been an employee there for 13 years. Who unfortunately is fighting abdominal cancer, which sadly is incurable. The prices for the services are reduced and 100% of all proceeds will go to Tatyana's family. Here is the "menu" (click to view).
depasquale the spa
route 10 east
morris plains nj 07950
if it sounds like something you might be interested in supporting, please call and book an appointment.
in pursuit of the cure
UPDATE (2/6/2009)
according to someone who tried to book a spa appointment yesterday, the spa can only book haircuts, all spa appointment for this day are booked! which is a huge positive and i am sure they are going to raise a bunch of money for tatyana.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
if you want to donate financially, our paypal is up...
if you would like to donate, please do! feel free to send it our way via our paypal account (click here to be brought to the paypal main page). all contributions can be sent to our email address. please leave your name and any messages in the paypal comment section so we can add you to a list of contributors.
in pursuit of the cure
in pursuit of the cure
Thursday, January 15, 2009
as written by vanessa velez...
here is the article vanessa wrote about what we have going on here. again this may help shed some light on why i am focusing my energy and time on this. hope you enjoy it.
When first looking at Jesse Caldwell, one would be intimidated. A well-built man with tattoos leaving barely any skin on his arms uncovered, each line of ink representing an individual belief or ideal, that trace the paths he has walked in life. He emits an air of confidence, competence, and conviction that other people may seem to lack at first glance. Though no matter how authoritative his demeanor may seem, when reflecting upon his mother being diagnosed with ovarian cancer only a few years ago, folding his hands with "hell bent" tattooed across his knuckles, this young man with the commanding personality fragilely admits "I'm frightened." With those two words, a different man emerges from behind the demiurge. Not a man who declares a thought by etching it onto his body, but one who is held together, line by line, one color flowing into the next, by the strength and potential of the hope in each idea when the foundations of his life finally begin to come loose.
However, according to Jeanne Caldwell, Jesse's mother, when it comes to her condition, there is nothing to fear. "You must face the things you fear the most and overcome them," she states in her blog, "Everyone's life s scary sometimes. But try when you can to just look at what you fear. Look at it right in the eye and spit."
A career nurse familiar with the toll a threatening disease can take on a family, she has been an active participant in Race for the Cure, a member of Gilda's Club, and a guest panelist on local New Jersey talk shows alongside (temporary) Governor Cody. When asked about how she wants her children to feel about her condition, Jeanne, with a personality as strong as her son's, states "I want my children to feel strong and secure. They need to acknowledge the fear and insecurity that this disease brings out in everyone, but like me, I want them to be strong and not let their emotions take over. I want my children to feel empathy for anyone who is going through what we are going through and have the strength to help others in the same situation if and when they can."
As we all know, the Caldwells are not aline in their struggle. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2008 alone, 745,180 man and 692,000 women were diagnosed with some form of cancer within the United States. Behind each one of those individuals is a family. A Jeanne Caldwell persevering through the challenge, despite the condemning statistics and a Jesse trying to help and ease the situation in anyway possible.
Setting off with his mother's advice to guide him, Jesse developed his own form of a cure for his mother's condition, when an actual cure for cancer seems hidden far off in the glare of the future's horizon. He conceived the idea for his project "Mission:Remission" after attending last years 4th Street Arts and Music Festival in downtown Jersey City. There he found a community of artists, musicians, and local businesses who united for one weekend in October to celebrate the people who have transformed that area into a hub of sub-cultural diversity. "To me, personally, it was amazing," he states. " I spent my day surrounded by local artists, vendors, musicians, skaters, and friends. It was a beautiful and inspiring day for me."
Seeing how popular the artist community had become in the area, at first, Jesse's idea for "Mission: Remission" was this: A silent auction would be held during 2009's 4th Street Arts and Music Festival. The artwork would involve several different artist's renditions of the "ribbon"; the pink symbol often associated with an awareness to female forms of cancer. They would then take the proceeds of the auction and donate them to several different cancer research foundations. As the word of "Mission: Remission" spread, however, Caldwell says "It really started to take a life of its own. I got such an initially overwhelming response that it left me a little nervous." The once silent auction has now expanded into a full-blown charity event which will now involve the work of any interested artist, musician, and writer who is willing to have a personal investment in the cause. "I would love for both the artists and the collectors to both feel the joy of contributing to (the cause) and I think it can be rewarding for both and dually rewarding for the charities."
The next 4th Street Arts and Music Festival will be held this coming October and although it is still almost ten months away, the effort to conduct an event like this is going to take an overwhelming amount of time and energy. "Organizing and orchestrating an event like this is something that is going to take over my life, I am sure, as it gets closer to the date," acknowledges 31-year-old Caldwell, but "I also have several very capable volunteers who have said they would help with anything and everything." Among those volunteers is Patrick F.Dunn, a long-time friend of Caldwell, who is compiling a zine which will take written word submission as an outlet for anyone who wishes to contribute something to the project, but doesn't consider themselves among the artistically inclined. There will also be a Paypal account set up in the beginning of the new year for anyone who would like to contribute financially if they feel there is no otherpossible outlet. An event-only CD of recording from participating musicians will be available for purchase, as well as a variety of "Mission:Remission" T-shirts, pins, magnets, and buttons.
Anyone who is interested in participating in "Mission: Remission" can contact Jesse Caldwell at An artist can contribute one single hanging piece, although several small hanging pieces totaling no larger than 2'x2' will be accepted no later than September 15. Musicians can contribute preferably lo-fi recordings for the event-only CD before September 1st, and written work can be submitted to Patrick F. Dunn at before the beginning of July. Anyone interested in performing spoken word or acting as a singer/songwriter for the day of the even is urged to get in touch as soon as possible. For more information you can visit
Although a cure for cancer has yet to be discovered, it can also come in the form of an idea. "Mission:Remission" is about people who are held together by same ideals and beliefs; uniting together under the canopy of a shared vision, who are willing to contribute their best talents to a single cause. As Jeanne Caldwell says, its about having empathy for people in the same situation, and sometimes the best possible way to countermeasure the fear is by individuals gathering together to create a positive environment for a negative situation. "It's always been about friends helping friends" says Jesse Caldwell, "helping friends, where ever and when ever."
When first looking at Jesse Caldwell, one would be intimidated. A well-built man with tattoos leaving barely any skin on his arms uncovered, each line of ink representing an individual belief or ideal, that trace the paths he has walked in life. He emits an air of confidence, competence, and conviction that other people may seem to lack at first glance. Though no matter how authoritative his demeanor may seem, when reflecting upon his mother being diagnosed with ovarian cancer only a few years ago, folding his hands with "hell bent" tattooed across his knuckles, this young man with the commanding personality fragilely admits "I'm frightened." With those two words, a different man emerges from behind the demiurge. Not a man who declares a thought by etching it onto his body, but one who is held together, line by line, one color flowing into the next, by the strength and potential of the hope in each idea when the foundations of his life finally begin to come loose.
However, according to Jeanne Caldwell, Jesse's mother, when it comes to her condition, there is nothing to fear. "You must face the things you fear the most and overcome them," she states in her blog, "Everyone's life s scary sometimes. But try when you can to just look at what you fear. Look at it right in the eye and spit."
A career nurse familiar with the toll a threatening disease can take on a family, she has been an active participant in Race for the Cure, a member of Gilda's Club, and a guest panelist on local New Jersey talk shows alongside (temporary) Governor Cody. When asked about how she wants her children to feel about her condition, Jeanne, with a personality as strong as her son's, states "I want my children to feel strong and secure. They need to acknowledge the fear and insecurity that this disease brings out in everyone, but like me, I want them to be strong and not let their emotions take over. I want my children to feel empathy for anyone who is going through what we are going through and have the strength to help others in the same situation if and when they can."
As we all know, the Caldwells are not aline in their struggle. According to the American Cancer Society, in 2008 alone, 745,180 man and 692,000 women were diagnosed with some form of cancer within the United States. Behind each one of those individuals is a family. A Jeanne Caldwell persevering through the challenge, despite the condemning statistics and a Jesse trying to help and ease the situation in anyway possible.
Setting off with his mother's advice to guide him, Jesse developed his own form of a cure for his mother's condition, when an actual cure for cancer seems hidden far off in the glare of the future's horizon. He conceived the idea for his project "Mission:Remission" after attending last years 4th Street Arts and Music Festival in downtown Jersey City. There he found a community of artists, musicians, and local businesses who united for one weekend in October to celebrate the people who have transformed that area into a hub of sub-cultural diversity. "To me, personally, it was amazing," he states. " I spent my day surrounded by local artists, vendors, musicians, skaters, and friends. It was a beautiful and inspiring day for me."
Seeing how popular the artist community had become in the area, at first, Jesse's idea for "Mission: Remission" was this: A silent auction would be held during 2009's 4th Street Arts and Music Festival. The artwork would involve several different artist's renditions of the "ribbon"; the pink symbol often associated with an awareness to female forms of cancer. They would then take the proceeds of the auction and donate them to several different cancer research foundations. As the word of "Mission: Remission" spread, however, Caldwell says "It really started to take a life of its own. I got such an initially overwhelming response that it left me a little nervous." The once silent auction has now expanded into a full-blown charity event which will now involve the work of any interested artist, musician, and writer who is willing to have a personal investment in the cause. "I would love for both the artists and the collectors to both feel the joy of contributing to (the cause) and I think it can be rewarding for both and dually rewarding for the charities."
The next 4th Street Arts and Music Festival will be held this coming October and although it is still almost ten months away, the effort to conduct an event like this is going to take an overwhelming amount of time and energy. "Organizing and orchestrating an event like this is something that is going to take over my life, I am sure, as it gets closer to the date," acknowledges 31-year-old Caldwell, but "I also have several very capable volunteers who have said they would help with anything and everything." Among those volunteers is Patrick F.Dunn, a long-time friend of Caldwell, who is compiling a zine which will take written word submission as an outlet for anyone who wishes to contribute something to the project, but doesn't consider themselves among the artistically inclined. There will also be a Paypal account set up in the beginning of the new year for anyone who would like to contribute financially if they feel there is no otherpossible outlet. An event-only CD of recording from participating musicians will be available for purchase, as well as a variety of "Mission:Remission" T-shirts, pins, magnets, and buttons.
Anyone who is interested in participating in "Mission: Remission" can contact Jesse Caldwell at An artist can contribute one single hanging piece, although several small hanging pieces totaling no larger than 2'x2' will be accepted no later than September 15. Musicians can contribute preferably lo-fi recordings for the event-only CD before September 1st, and written work can be submitted to Patrick F. Dunn at before the beginning of July. Anyone interested in performing spoken word or acting as a singer/songwriter for the day of the even is urged to get in touch as soon as possible. For more information you can visit
Although a cure for cancer has yet to be discovered, it can also come in the form of an idea. "Mission:Remission" is about people who are held together by same ideals and beliefs; uniting together under the canopy of a shared vision, who are willing to contribute their best talents to a single cause. As Jeanne Caldwell says, its about having empathy for people in the same situation, and sometimes the best possible way to countermeasure the fear is by individuals gathering together to create a positive environment for a negative situation. "It's always been about friends helping friends" says Jesse Caldwell, "helping friends, where ever and when ever."
Monday, January 12, 2009
here's an interview i did with vanessa velez a couple weeks ago,
my friend vanessa velez asked if i would be into doing and interview with her about this project. she was looking to potentially get our story out and some local publicity. she ended up writing an article based on this interview , some other questions that came up randomly and her personal experiences with me. i thought this interview would be a great way to begin shedding light on the "WHY'S"... i will post her finished article later. hope you enjoy it, though it kind of feels like i am putting myself out there.
1. Explain in detail why and how you came up with the idea for Mission:Remission. For example: What was your personal experience that lead you to develop this concept?
The short of it is my mother and her battle with ovarian cancer. But like everything there is a much longer story and it all goes back a long while to be honest. At least several years before my mother was diagnosed with her ovarian cancer. In recent years there has been an increase in public displays of awareness for breast cancer charitable contribution from individuals and corporations, i.e. pink bats on mothers day weekend in baseball, cereal boxes emblazoned with pink ribbons, famous actors publicly raising money for the race for a cure…ect ect ect. At some point I made a comment or two to my mother that I should (for charity of course) make T-shirt that read “I SUPPORT TITS’ in pink lettering with a huge pink ribbon. She would be out and about and see something new and report back to me with the likes of “did you see the new I support tits lunch box?” Or “I really wanted to get you the I support tits grapefruit juice!” It wasn’t ever mockery and I hope it doesn’t come off as such. My mom has walked in the race for the cure and I have pledged several times in support of walkers.
Fast forward to a recent dinner my wife and I had with my parents in celebration of our recent birthdays and anniversary. I mentioned to my mom how that jersey city has a vibrant art culture going and that few weeks before this dinner they had their annual artists studio tour ( and the downtown 4th street art and music fest ( ) and how impressed I had been with it and how diverse and awesome downtown/grove street jersey city has become. (She attended nursing school in the Jersey City heights at Christ hospital in the late 70’s and hadn’t been warned by the school to stay out of the “HOLE” as they called it which was downtown/grove st.). My moms suggested that I set up some photo shoots and try to capture several different applications of “THE RIBBON” and to contribute to one of the shows and if I was able to sell the prints donate my proceeds to a cancer research foundation. The idea rolled around in my head for several days and I really don’t think my work as a photographer is anything special and I had no idea how to get it shown anywhere, no idea where to begin....
I decided to take the silent auction idea a couple of friends of mine had used several months earlier and to co-opt it and make it into something I could use for this. I put out the feelers, contacted friends involved with the arts and the artist community to see if anyone had an interest in contributing work or to help point me in the directions in needed to head this sort of thing in. I got such an initially overwhelming response, that it left me very nervous. I sat down with my mom and talked it over, let her know that many great artists had sign on as contributors already and many more friends old and new where eager to pitch in and help out in any way possible. I had questioned my ability in organizing an event like this but my mother assured me that she had the utmost confidence in me and was very happy and warmed by the support my idea had gotten. This was the only reassurance I needed. A really great dude Mark (aka Alfonse aka cooter) really helped me out a ton and put me in contact with someone associated with the 4th st. Art and music festival and it really started talk a life of its own. I started an email account (should have googled the name first, there are apparently several other blogs and websites with very similar names) and a blog acquired names and emails for all the contributors big and small.
Though nothing in set in stone, I would like this event to be tied in with the 4th st arts and music festival. This should be the 1st weekend of October 2009. The collective that works on the planning of it doesn’t start meeting for another couple weeks but from the initial response I had gotten from the party involved was very positive and they seem to think it will work out nicely for both parties.
2. What does the project entail?
I set out looking for artists who may or may not have ever shown there work that may have some personal investment in a project like this. I want this to be an outlet for both artist and collectors. Those willing to contribute time and energy in creating their art and those willing to come out and bid on these pieces can both leave feeling like that they have invested in raising awareness and capital for cancer research. I have decided to cap artist contributions to 60 single hang-able pieces. I am looking to have 3 speakers and 3 musicians the day of the event as well. I needed to have a game plan before getting to deep and that was probably the best advice I have gotten so far about this. I initial thought about asking artists for subject specific contributions but shortly realized I didn’t want to be limiting and restricting anyone’s ability to contribute to this. So I am leaving it in the hands of the artist as two what and how they want to contribute. It really is as much for them as it is for me and coming from the d.i.y. punk sort mindset I always feel that there is strength in numbers and strength in diversity. There is going to be an “event only” CD that will have track recorded from some very awesome local bands and Patrick F. Dunn is compiling a ZINE that is written word submissions and an outlet for anyone who doesn’t count themselves among the artistically inclined. We are going to be raising some funds in the upcoming months to make the “I SUPPORT TITS” T-shirts, pins, magnets and postcards. There will be a paypal account set up for anyone who would like to contribute financially if they feel there is no other possible outlet.
3. Who and What is involved? You briefly mentioned to me something about the 4th street art project or something like that. Explain them. If you had any basic info or links for them that would also be helpful.
I touched on this a little above, but this year was the 5th annual 4TH street art and music festival. To me personally it was amazing. I spent my day surrounded by local artists, vendors, partiers, musicians, skaters & friends. There was a vaudeville style fashion show? An eclectic ensemble of musicians from the loud and furious to the more progressive to the garage rock revivalists. Art and food and music and swag and graffiti and it was a lot to take in to the uninitiated. It was a beautiful and inspiring day for me. Good vibes and great times. It just so happens that a friend of a friend helps organize this and he very much liked the basic ideas that I had floating around and was nice enough to invite me to sit down and talk over the finer points of tying what I would like to do in with what they already have going on. Again they don’t start the planning for another couple weeks, but the blog readers and email listers will be updated as soon as anything is set in stone and I am sure I will be flyering and promoting this to the Nth degree.
4. What do you hope will be the outcome of the project?
I think about this a lot. What am I looking to get from this? It’s a positive outlet for me. Something I can do and feel productive while working on it and I can focus my own feelings and emotions about my mother’s illness. As I said before I would love for both the artists and the collectors to both feel the joy of contributing to it and I think it can be rewarding for both and dually rewarding for the charities. Also I seem to be friends with a lot of artists and musicians who I would love to help expose and bring some recognition to. Again comings from the sort of grass roots do it your self punk scene, it’s always been about friends helping friends helping friends, where ever and when ever. Judging by the responses I have gotten, a lot of my friends still hold these sort ideals near and dear to their hearts. This has put me in touch with some people I hadn’t talked to or seen in several years, which is a pleasant reward to be honest and I am really glad to have such a great support system of truly humane people that I can genuinely care for in return.
5. When is the main event going to take place?
Nothing has been set in stone but I really would like this to be during the 1st weekend of October. I love the fall I feel like it’s the perfect time of the year for this sort of event. There is something about the cool nights and warm days that has always just done it for me. It’s also breast cancer awareness month and seeing as that my mother kind of got this ball rolling with that idea, I think it has to be during October.
6. What outstanding effort is going to be put forth to ensure that the project follows through?
I am not really sure how to answer this. But at 31 years old, with a job I have held for almost 6 years in a company I have been with for 9 years. I think it’s safe to say that when I dedicate myself to doing something I do it and there’s no question about it. It’s always been about that initial burst of inspiration and getting the ball rolling. I had my chance to drop the ball already and my mother really just said the right things to me and got me in the right frame of mind. Organizing and orchestrating an event like this is something that is going to take over my life I am sure as it gets closer to the date. I do work a job that takes up an extraordinary amount of time and energy at times, but I am hoping that I can balance my schedule and manage to not over-extend myself. I do also have several very capable volunteers who have said they would help with any and everything so there might be some time when I do need to make a call and have them take the reigns. But this is what I am currently, for the foreseeable future, doing with my time.
7. What charities are you hoping to donate to?
I have yet to really get into this. I want to have a date and location secured before I start making any concrete decisions as to where and who our proceeds are going to. My mother attends Gilda’s club ( ) regularly and I am hoping she and several other members will sit down and talk about which charities or foundations they would like to see me donate too. I realize people might be reluctant to contribute to this until I commit to who we are going to donate to, but we will hopefully have a clearer picture in the next couple weeks. I will say that I would really like to donate to an array of charities or a cancer research organization that is not focused on just one type of cancer. I really like the idea of “A CURE IS A FUCKING CURE” as profane as it is, it really stresses with some weight my point, short and simple.
8. Do you have any future plans for this project besides the event?
Myself, I would like to do something on a mothers day weekend in the upcoming years, that is focused on mother inspired and referenced art. Again a simple charity auction and fund raiser.
9. What do you hope people take home from this project? What do you hope people can learn from this?
I was just contacted by an artist from Kansas City who wants to do a similar event around, if not at the same exact time. Which is really inspiring to me and I am glad that this can be used as a launching pad and used as an inspiration. The only thing that I hope anyone takes from this is that anyone can do it, you can contribute, not just paintings, not just photos or videos or songs or words or abstractions or financially. You can be there. You can show up, add a weight and to the volume of our collective voice.
10. Is there an opportunity for others to participate? If so, how can they participate?
Artist can contribute ONE single hang-able piece (though several small hang-able pieces totaling no larger then 2’x2’ will be accepted), musicians can contribute preferably lo-fi recordings for the event only CD, writings can be submitted to Patrick F Dunn @ for his zine, if you want to perform spoken word or as a singer/song writer the day of you can get in touch, if you would like to bare your breasts (confidential faceless breast photo’s only showing from shoulder to upper abdomen) my wife Steph ( ) is eager to hear from you and last but not least is you can contribute financially to a paypal account that will be set up the 1st week of the new year. As always people can email me at with any questions and I will do my best to respond promptly with as much info as possible.
We would like to have the hang-able art no later then September 15th 2009.
Musical submissions should be in by September 1st 2009.
I am pretty sure Patrick F Dunn would like your written submissions before the beginning of July. Thus allowing him time to layout and print up copies of the zine.
Steph would love to shoot you before the end of July as well allowing time for prints and postcards to me made.
We will stop taking financial donations 2 weeks after the silent auction and all proceeds will go to the charities that have been designated.
1. Explain in detail why and how you came up with the idea for Mission:Remission. For example: What was your personal experience that lead you to develop this concept?
The short of it is my mother and her battle with ovarian cancer. But like everything there is a much longer story and it all goes back a long while to be honest. At least several years before my mother was diagnosed with her ovarian cancer. In recent years there has been an increase in public displays of awareness for breast cancer charitable contribution from individuals and corporations, i.e. pink bats on mothers day weekend in baseball, cereal boxes emblazoned with pink ribbons, famous actors publicly raising money for the race for a cure…ect ect ect. At some point I made a comment or two to my mother that I should (for charity of course) make T-shirt that read “I SUPPORT TITS’ in pink lettering with a huge pink ribbon. She would be out and about and see something new and report back to me with the likes of “did you see the new I support tits lunch box?” Or “I really wanted to get you the I support tits grapefruit juice!” It wasn’t ever mockery and I hope it doesn’t come off as such. My mom has walked in the race for the cure and I have pledged several times in support of walkers.
Fast forward to a recent dinner my wife and I had with my parents in celebration of our recent birthdays and anniversary. I mentioned to my mom how that jersey city has a vibrant art culture going and that few weeks before this dinner they had their annual artists studio tour ( and the downtown 4th street art and music fest ( ) and how impressed I had been with it and how diverse and awesome downtown/grove street jersey city has become. (She attended nursing school in the Jersey City heights at Christ hospital in the late 70’s and hadn’t been warned by the school to stay out of the “HOLE” as they called it which was downtown/grove st.). My moms suggested that I set up some photo shoots and try to capture several different applications of “THE RIBBON” and to contribute to one of the shows and if I was able to sell the prints donate my proceeds to a cancer research foundation. The idea rolled around in my head for several days and I really don’t think my work as a photographer is anything special and I had no idea how to get it shown anywhere, no idea where to begin....
I decided to take the silent auction idea a couple of friends of mine had used several months earlier and to co-opt it and make it into something I could use for this. I put out the feelers, contacted friends involved with the arts and the artist community to see if anyone had an interest in contributing work or to help point me in the directions in needed to head this sort of thing in. I got such an initially overwhelming response, that it left me very nervous. I sat down with my mom and talked it over, let her know that many great artists had sign on as contributors already and many more friends old and new where eager to pitch in and help out in any way possible. I had questioned my ability in organizing an event like this but my mother assured me that she had the utmost confidence in me and was very happy and warmed by the support my idea had gotten. This was the only reassurance I needed. A really great dude Mark (aka Alfonse aka cooter) really helped me out a ton and put me in contact with someone associated with the 4th st. Art and music festival and it really started talk a life of its own. I started an email account (should have googled the name first, there are apparently several other blogs and websites with very similar names) and a blog acquired names and emails for all the contributors big and small.
Though nothing in set in stone, I would like this event to be tied in with the 4th st arts and music festival. This should be the 1st weekend of October 2009. The collective that works on the planning of it doesn’t start meeting for another couple weeks but from the initial response I had gotten from the party involved was very positive and they seem to think it will work out nicely for both parties.
2. What does the project entail?
I set out looking for artists who may or may not have ever shown there work that may have some personal investment in a project like this. I want this to be an outlet for both artist and collectors. Those willing to contribute time and energy in creating their art and those willing to come out and bid on these pieces can both leave feeling like that they have invested in raising awareness and capital for cancer research. I have decided to cap artist contributions to 60 single hang-able pieces. I am looking to have 3 speakers and 3 musicians the day of the event as well. I needed to have a game plan before getting to deep and that was probably the best advice I have gotten so far about this. I initial thought about asking artists for subject specific contributions but shortly realized I didn’t want to be limiting and restricting anyone’s ability to contribute to this. So I am leaving it in the hands of the artist as two what and how they want to contribute. It really is as much for them as it is for me and coming from the d.i.y. punk sort mindset I always feel that there is strength in numbers and strength in diversity. There is going to be an “event only” CD that will have track recorded from some very awesome local bands and Patrick F. Dunn is compiling a ZINE that is written word submissions and an outlet for anyone who doesn’t count themselves among the artistically inclined. We are going to be raising some funds in the upcoming months to make the “I SUPPORT TITS” T-shirts, pins, magnets and postcards. There will be a paypal account set up for anyone who would like to contribute financially if they feel there is no other possible outlet.
3. Who and What is involved? You briefly mentioned to me something about the 4th street art project or something like that. Explain them. If you had any basic info or links for them that would also be helpful.
I touched on this a little above, but this year was the 5th annual 4TH street art and music festival. To me personally it was amazing. I spent my day surrounded by local artists, vendors, partiers, musicians, skaters & friends. There was a vaudeville style fashion show? An eclectic ensemble of musicians from the loud and furious to the more progressive to the garage rock revivalists. Art and food and music and swag and graffiti and it was a lot to take in to the uninitiated. It was a beautiful and inspiring day for me. Good vibes and great times. It just so happens that a friend of a friend helps organize this and he very much liked the basic ideas that I had floating around and was nice enough to invite me to sit down and talk over the finer points of tying what I would like to do in with what they already have going on. Again they don’t start the planning for another couple weeks, but the blog readers and email listers will be updated as soon as anything is set in stone and I am sure I will be flyering and promoting this to the Nth degree.
4. What do you hope will be the outcome of the project?
I think about this a lot. What am I looking to get from this? It’s a positive outlet for me. Something I can do and feel productive while working on it and I can focus my own feelings and emotions about my mother’s illness. As I said before I would love for both the artists and the collectors to both feel the joy of contributing to it and I think it can be rewarding for both and dually rewarding for the charities. Also I seem to be friends with a lot of artists and musicians who I would love to help expose and bring some recognition to. Again comings from the sort of grass roots do it your self punk scene, it’s always been about friends helping friends helping friends, where ever and when ever. Judging by the responses I have gotten, a lot of my friends still hold these sort ideals near and dear to their hearts. This has put me in touch with some people I hadn’t talked to or seen in several years, which is a pleasant reward to be honest and I am really glad to have such a great support system of truly humane people that I can genuinely care for in return.
5. When is the main event going to take place?
Nothing has been set in stone but I really would like this to be during the 1st weekend of October. I love the fall I feel like it’s the perfect time of the year for this sort of event. There is something about the cool nights and warm days that has always just done it for me. It’s also breast cancer awareness month and seeing as that my mother kind of got this ball rolling with that idea, I think it has to be during October.
6. What outstanding effort is going to be put forth to ensure that the project follows through?
I am not really sure how to answer this. But at 31 years old, with a job I have held for almost 6 years in a company I have been with for 9 years. I think it’s safe to say that when I dedicate myself to doing something I do it and there’s no question about it. It’s always been about that initial burst of inspiration and getting the ball rolling. I had my chance to drop the ball already and my mother really just said the right things to me and got me in the right frame of mind. Organizing and orchestrating an event like this is something that is going to take over my life I am sure as it gets closer to the date. I do work a job that takes up an extraordinary amount of time and energy at times, but I am hoping that I can balance my schedule and manage to not over-extend myself. I do also have several very capable volunteers who have said they would help with any and everything so there might be some time when I do need to make a call and have them take the reigns. But this is what I am currently, for the foreseeable future, doing with my time.
7. What charities are you hoping to donate to?
I have yet to really get into this. I want to have a date and location secured before I start making any concrete decisions as to where and who our proceeds are going to. My mother attends Gilda’s club ( ) regularly and I am hoping she and several other members will sit down and talk about which charities or foundations they would like to see me donate too. I realize people might be reluctant to contribute to this until I commit to who we are going to donate to, but we will hopefully have a clearer picture in the next couple weeks. I will say that I would really like to donate to an array of charities or a cancer research organization that is not focused on just one type of cancer. I really like the idea of “A CURE IS A FUCKING CURE” as profane as it is, it really stresses with some weight my point, short and simple.
8. Do you have any future plans for this project besides the event?
Myself, I would like to do something on a mothers day weekend in the upcoming years, that is focused on mother inspired and referenced art. Again a simple charity auction and fund raiser.
9. What do you hope people take home from this project? What do you hope people can learn from this?
I was just contacted by an artist from Kansas City who wants to do a similar event around, if not at the same exact time. Which is really inspiring to me and I am glad that this can be used as a launching pad and used as an inspiration. The only thing that I hope anyone takes from this is that anyone can do it, you can contribute, not just paintings, not just photos or videos or songs or words or abstractions or financially. You can be there. You can show up, add a weight and to the volume of our collective voice.
10. Is there an opportunity for others to participate? If so, how can they participate?
Artist can contribute ONE single hang-able piece (though several small hang-able pieces totaling no larger then 2’x2’ will be accepted), musicians can contribute preferably lo-fi recordings for the event only CD, writings can be submitted to Patrick F Dunn @ for his zine, if you want to perform spoken word or as a singer/song writer the day of you can get in touch, if you would like to bare your breasts (confidential faceless breast photo’s only showing from shoulder to upper abdomen) my wife Steph ( ) is eager to hear from you and last but not least is you can contribute financially to a paypal account that will be set up the 1st week of the new year. As always people can email me at with any questions and I will do my best to respond promptly with as much info as possible.
We would like to have the hang-able art no later then September 15th 2009.
Musical submissions should be in by September 1st 2009.
I am pretty sure Patrick F Dunn would like your written submissions before the beginning of July. Thus allowing him time to layout and print up copies of the zine.
Steph would love to shoot you before the end of July as well allowing time for prints and postcards to me made.
We will stop taking financial donations 2 weeks after the silent auction and all proceeds will go to the charities that have been designated.
Monday, January 5, 2009
it's another new year...
so my mother, the inspiration for this event, has started a blog. it's called cancer, what else is new , i am sure she will be journaling about her treatments, struggles, musings on the health care industry, as well as her general thoughts on life, family and new york giants football. if you have any interest in the roots of the this event you should check it out, i am sure it will be an informative read.
the holidays have been abnormally busy for me this year. i am sure some of you, like me have been busy with work, family, friends, party after party after party and life in general. (was it me or did we all try to mask our distaste and general unhappiness with 2008 with an unrelenting schedule of hang outs, gettogethers and parties to ring in the new year????) but fortunately it is time to get back on track and buckle down for whats going to be a long and trying 2009...
in the upcoming weeks we should have some awesome updates
1st- we will have a paypal account set up for anyone who wishes to donate early
2nd-in the coming weeks we will be posting up some proposed ideas for t-shirts and pins and we would love for you to comment and even contribute. if you have any idea's and or designs you think might work for us feel free to shoot them our way for consideration.
3rd- we will hopefully have some definite information about a sister event that is being planned for the same day to take place in Kansas City Missouri. it is going to be put together by Aimee Duke. if you are local to that area and want to volunteer or contribute you should get in touch with her @ i would love for her to receive the support that i have gotten. i have found her drive and eagerness to create another venue for contributors and supporters inspiring and it's really put a smile on my face.
again, thank you all for the support, it has really given me a new found strength and courage to face this new year with hope and compassion.
-in pursuit of a fucking cure
Jesse Arthur Caldwell
the holidays have been abnormally busy for me this year. i am sure some of you, like me have been busy with work, family, friends, party after party after party and life in general. (was it me or did we all try to mask our distaste and general unhappiness with 2008 with an unrelenting schedule of hang outs, gettogethers and parties to ring in the new year????) but fortunately it is time to get back on track and buckle down for whats going to be a long and trying 2009...
in the upcoming weeks we should have some awesome updates
1st- we will have a paypal account set up for anyone who wishes to donate early
2nd-in the coming weeks we will be posting up some proposed ideas for t-shirts and pins and we would love for you to comment and even contribute. if you have any idea's and or designs you think might work for us feel free to shoot them our way for consideration.
3rd- we will hopefully have some definite information about a sister event that is being planned for the same day to take place in Kansas City Missouri. it is going to be put together by Aimee Duke. if you are local to that area and want to volunteer or contribute you should get in touch with her @ i would love for her to receive the support that i have gotten. i have found her drive and eagerness to create another venue for contributors and supporters inspiring and it's really put a smile on my face.
again, thank you all for the support, it has really given me a new found strength and courage to face this new year with hope and compassion.
-in pursuit of a fucking cure
Jesse Arthur Caldwell
in the new year...
so my mother started a blog, it's called cancer, what else is new, i am sure she will be journalling about her struggles, treatments, the health care industry and insights to general life musings. if you have any interest in the roots of this event you should check it out.
it's a new year and i am sure like me you all have been busy with any of if not all of the following... work, family, friends and life, but it's time to get back on track. there will be several updates in the coming weeks...
1-we will have a paypal account set-up for anyone who wants to donate
2-hopefully some initial designs for shirts & pins
(if you have any ideas or designs you would like to contribute feel free to send them our way for consideration)
3-we will hopefully some definite information about a sister event to be held on the same day in kansas city missouri that will be organized by aimee duke. if you are local to that area and have any interest in helping out or contributing to that event please get in touch with her @
it's a new year and i am sure like me you all have been busy with any of if not all of the following... work, family, friends and life, but it's time to get back on track. there will be several updates in the coming weeks...
1-we will have a paypal account set-up for anyone who wants to donate
2-hopefully some initial designs for shirts & pins
(if you have any ideas or designs you would like to contribute feel free to send them our way for consideration)
3-we will hopefully some definite information about a sister event to be held on the same day in kansas city missouri that will be organized by aimee duke. if you are local to that area and have any interest in helping out or contributing to that event please get in touch with her @
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